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София. St. George International Chess Open Tournament 5th May 9th of May 2010 Sofia, Bulgaria During The World Championship Match Topalov - Anand Venue: Hall 1, Hotel Rodina **** Sofia Schedule: 5 th may Wednesday 14:00h - Opening Ceremony 14:30h - 1st round; (9 round from Match Topalov - Anand) 6 th may - Thursday 9:30h - 2nd round; (10 round from Match Topalov - Anand) 7 th may- Friday 9:30h - 3th round; (Offday from Match Topalov Anand) International Rapid Team Match betwin Sofia-Roma 16:00h - 4th round; 8th may Saturday 9:30h - 5th round; (11 round from Match Topalov - Anand) 16:00h - 6th round 9 th may Sunday 9:30h - 7th round; (12 round from Match Topalov - Anand) 14:00h - Closing Ceremony Contacts: Alexandrina Nikolieva, tel +359886711253 Maria Nikolieva, tel +359889765772 E-mail:sofiachess@yahoo.com Registration: Until 30th of April 2010 12:00h Entry fee: 30 euros Accommodation: Hotel Rodina **** Lux rooms: BB(Bed and breakfast) Single- 50 euros per room per night Double- 66 euros per room per night (33 euros per person) Delux rooms: BB(Bed and breakfast) Single- 60 euros per room per night Double- 72 euros per room per night (36 euros per person) Playing time: 90 minutes for 40 moves and 30 minutes for the rest of the game plus 30 seconds for each move. System and rate of play: FIDE rules, 7 rounds, Swiss system with computer pairings(Swiss Manager) Prizes fund: Total minimum 2000 leva (1000 euros) And Special Prizes in all youth categories (U08, U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, U20) Organizers: Capital Chess Center Sofia Bulgarian Chess Federation Hotel Rodina**** Sofia Information about cheap(low cost) flights to Sofia at: www.wizzair.com www.easyjet.com www.air.bg www.germanwings.com www.flyniki.com All Rounds of Match Topalov- Anand starts at 15:00h and tiket cost- 10lv (5, 50 euros) per day/round Официален сайт: http://chessbg.com/calendar.php?i=tournament&s=info&id=661 |
Подобни новини:
София (08.05 - 08.05.2010) Каиса Чес Джуниър - 23:06 27.04.2010Търговище (16.05 - 16.05.2010) Купа Мисионис V - 16:46 26.04.2010
София (28.04 - 29.04.2010) Блиц Опен София - 16:41 26.04.2010
Б. Чаталбашев и М. Войска шампиони на България - 4:11 18.04.2010
Кула (08.05 - 09.05.2010) Открит турнир - 19:46 10.04.2010
София (30.04 - 06.05.2010) 2-ри мемориал Милко Бобоцов - 19:40 10.04.2010
София (21.04 - 27.04.2010) Мемориал Венка Асенова-Антония Иванова - 19:33 10.04.2010
Албена (24.04 - 25.04.2010) Верига открити турнири - 12:50 10.04.2010
Ускорен шах хотел Фламинго Гранд - 12:49 22.03.2010
М-тел Мастърс Джуниър Варна - 12:43 18.03.2010
Северна Централна зона - 12:33 18.03.2010
Втора детска лагер-школа - 22:13 21.01.2009
Нанко Добрев спечели Казино Кубан - 1:38 01.12.2008
Мемориал Бахаров - 19:22 12.11.2008
Мемориал Бахаров - 18:41 10.11.2008
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Гранд при Йермук
СП до 20 години
1. Цекова (1879)
2. Янков (1870)
3. Стефанов (1867)
4. Генчев (1856)
5. Тодоров (1855)
6. Цветанов (1848)
7. Димитров (1826)
8. Йорданов (1820)
9. Методиев (1781)
10. Пенева (1775)
11. Шентов (1770)
12. Коловски (1767)
13. Любомирова (1748)
14. Крумов (1748)
15. Балтов (1700)
Oще известни играчи
1. Виктория Цекова
2. Кристиян Янков
3. Борис Стефанов
4. Евгени Генчев
5. Явор Тодоров